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Military Journalists - Australia

Military Journalists - AustraliaMilitary Journalists - AustraliaMilitary Journalists - AustraliaMilitary Journalists - Australia

Discover and contact the top Military journalists in Australia, updated for 2024. If you're interested in contacting Military journalists, you can sign up below and download the Military journalists contact list!

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Top Military Journalists in Australia (2024)

The Top Military Journalists in Australia in 2024 are:

Adnan R. Khan

Adnan R. Khan is a Canadian military journalist known for his insightful and well-researched articles on various aspects of the armed forces. Based in Canada, he has been contributing to The Walrus, a leading publication that focuses on diverse topics ranging from politics, culture, and the environment to the military. With his extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, Khan has managed to carve a niche for himself among military journalists, providing valuable insights and perspectives on pressing issues related to the defense sector.

More About Adnan R. Khan

Chris Lambie

Chris Lambie is a military journalist based in Canada, known for his insightful and in-depth reporting on various aspects of the armed forces. As a writer for The Chronicle Herald, one of the leading news sources in the country, Lambie has established himself as a reliable and knowledgeable voice in the field of military journalism. His work not only covers the latest news and developments related to the Canadian Armed Forces, but also delves into the broader context of national security, defense policy, and international relations.

More About Chris Lambie

Chris Selley

Chris Selley is a Canadian journalist who specializes in military affairs and defense-related topics. As a writer for the National Post, one of Canada's leading newspapers, Selley's work is widely read and respected by those interested in military journalism. His insightful articles and in-depth analysis have made him a go-to source for readers seeking reliable information and expert commentary on the Canadian Armed Forces and global military issues.

More About Chris Selley

Chris Thatcher

Chris Thatcher is a military journalist based in Canada who has developed a strong reputation for his insightful and informative coverage of defense and security issues. With a focus on Canadian and international military affairs, Thatcher's work can be found in FrontLine Defence, a leading publication that provides comprehensive analysis and commentary on the latest developments in the defense and security sectors. As one of the top military journalists in the industry, Thatcher's expertise and in-depth knowledge of the subject matter make him a valuable resource for those seeking press coverage in this category.

More About Chris Thatcher

David Pugliese

David Pugliese is a Canadian military journalist who has his career to providing insightful and accurate coverage of military affairs. Based in Canada, Pugliese has established himself as a reliable source of information and analysis on military matters, both domestic and international. As a writer for Esprit de Corps, an independent defense magazine, he is committed to delivering comprehensive and unbiased reporting on a wide range of topics, making him a go-to resource for those seeking press coverage in the military sector.

More About David Pugliese

Dr. Rob Huebert

Dr. Rob Huebert is a military journalist based in Canada who has built a strong reputation for his insightful analysis and expert commentary on various defense and security issues. As a regular contributor to The Canadian Naval Review, Dr. Huebert's work focuses on topics such as naval strategy, Arctic security, and international relations, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics shaping the military landscape.

More About Dr. Rob Huebert

James Cudmore

James Cudmore is a military journalist based in Canada who is known for his in-depth reporting and analysis on defense and security issues. He currently works for CBC News, one of Canada's most respected news organizations, where he covers a wide range of topics related to the military, national security, and foreign policy. With a keen interest in understanding the complexities of global conflicts and the role of the Canadian Armed Forces, Cudmore has established himself as a reliable and informative source for those seeking insights into the world of military journalism.

More About James Cudmore

Jennifer Jordan

Jennifer Jordan is a military journalist based in Canada who specializes in covering various aspects of the armed forces and the lives of military families. With a keen interest in understanding the unique challenges and experiences faced by military personnel and their loved ones, Jordan has developed a strong reputation for her insightful and empathetic writing. As a regular contributor to the Canadian Military Family Magazine, she has become a trusted voice for those seeking information and support within the military community.

More About Jennifer Jordan

Joetey Attariwala

Joetey Attariwala is a military journalist based in Canada, with a focus on covering various aspects of the defense sector. As a skilled writer and reporter, Attariwala has developed a strong reputation for providing insightful and accurate information on military-related topics. With a deep understanding of the industry, Attariwala has become a sought-after voice among military journalists, offering valuable perspectives on the latest developments and trends in the field.

More About Joetey Attariwala

John Reed

John Reed is a military journalist based in Canada who has been contributing to the field of defense journalism for several years. He is currently working for Canadian Defence Review, a renowned publication that covers various aspects of the Canadian military and defense industry. With a strong focus on providing accurate, in-depth, and unbiased information, John Reed has established himself as a reliable source for news and analysis related to military affairs.

More About John Reed

Lee Berthiaume

Lee Berthiaume is a well-known Canadian military journalist currently working for the Ottawa Citizen, one of Canada's leading daily newspapers. With a strong focus on military and defense-related issues, Berthiaume has gained a reputation for his insightful and comprehensive coverage of Canada's armed forces, as well as international military affairs. As a skilled writer and reporter, he has demonstrated an ability to break down complex issues and present them in a clear, engaging manner that appeals to a wide audience.

More About Lee Berthiaume

Michel Boyer

Michel Boyer is a military journalist based in Canada who has built a reputation for his in-depth reporting and analysis on military affairs. He is currently associated with CTV News, a leading Canadian news organization, where he covers a wide range of topics related to defense, security, and international relations. As one of the top military journalists in the country, Boyer's work is widely recognized for its accuracy, insight, and relevance to the field.

More About Michel Boyer

Neil Moss

Neil Moss is a skilled military journalist based in Canada who currently writes for The Hill Times. As one of the leading military journalists in the country, he has a keen interest in the defense industry, national security, and foreign policy. His in-depth analysis and comprehensive reporting on various military-related topics make him a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain insights and stay informed about the latest developments in the field.

More About Neil Moss

Robert Fife

Robert Fife is a Canadian journalist who specializes in military affairs and is based in Canada. He has been working for The Globe and Mail, one of the country's most respected news outlets, for several years. As one of the leading military journalists in the country, Fife has developed a reputation for his in-depth reporting and analysis on various aspects of the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as international military issues that impact Canada and its allies.

More About Robert Fife

Ryan Melanson

Ryan Melanson is an experienced military journalist based in Canada. He is currently working for The Maple Leaf, a news platform that focuses on sharing stories and updates about the Canadian Armed Forces. With a strong background in journalism and a passion for military affairs, Ryan has been able to establish himself as a reliable and knowledgeable source of information in the field of military journalism.

More About Ryan Melanson

Stewart Bell

Stewart Bell is a Canadian journalist who specializes in military affairs and national security. Based in Canada, he writes for Global News, a leading news organization known for its comprehensive coverage of various topics, including politics, business, and entertainment. As one of the country's top military journalists, Bell's work is widely recognized for its in-depth analysis and well-researched content, making him a go-to source for those seeking insightful information on military-related issues.

More About Stewart Bell

Terri Pavelic

Terri Pavelic is a military journalist based in Canada, who is known for her comprehensive and insightful coverage of defense and security issues. As a contributing writer for Vanguard Magazine, she has established herself as a reliable source of information for readers interested in military affairs. With a keen focus on Canadian defense policies, military technology, and international security, Terri's work is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of the contemporary military landscape.

More About Terri Pavelic

Tonda MacCharles

Tonda MacCharles is a Canadian journalist who has been covering the military beat for The Toronto Star, one of Canada's leading daily newspapers. As a military journalist, she has written extensively about the Canadian Armed Forces, defense policies, and various military operations both domestically and internationally. With a keen interest in understanding the intricacies of military affairs, MacCharles has developed a reputation for her in-depth analysis and comprehensive reporting on topics related to the armed forces.

More About Tonda MacCharles

Contacting Military Journalists in Australia

Maximize the impact of your PR campaign by going beyond a media list. Discover the strategies to deliver the best pitch to Military journalists in Australia and execute a successful outreach in this comprehensive section!

When and why to contact Military journalists

When you're aiming to connect with Military journalists in Australia, it's crucial to strategize your outreach. These professionals receive numerous pitches every day, so having a unique story about Military or a related product can increase your chances of engagement. Make sure your pitch isn't just about the technical details; think about the wider impact of your story and how it fits into the larger narrative of Military. Research your target journalists and tailor your pitch to match their specific interests. By doing so, you can create a story that is both enlightening and impactful.

How to contact Military Journalists

For those in search of Charity journalists in Australia in 2024, the easiest way to connect is by signing up here and downloading the latest contact list. With an annual update, we ensure that you always have the most accurate and reliable contacts at your disposal.

How to write a Military press release

Pitching Etiquette to Military journalists

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