Parenting Journalists - 2024 Contact List

163 Parenting Journalists from Key Family and Parenting Outlets

This list, created by our PR professionals, includes 163 parenting journalists from important family-focused publications, featuring verified contact information and journalist profiles for effective communication.

  • Last updated on June 9, 2024

  • Ideal for businesses and organizations in the family and parenting industry looking to increase media coverage.

  • The Parenting media contact list is available for $49, with our team ready to provide support at any time. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Explore top Parenting journalists for 2024

Curated by Arsh B
PR Manager @ PressContact.
Know more about Arsh here.

Explore our expertly curated list of top parenting journalists for 2024, chosen for their thoughtful and influential coverage of parenting and family issues. Selection criteria included the readership of their articles, frequency of publication, and the authority of their platforms in the family lifestyle niche. Keeping journalist profiles up-to-date allows for targeted pitches that resonate with ongoing parenting discussions, increasing the relevance and impact of your press releases.

Alice Gomstyn

ABC News

Northern New Jersey-based writer penning business, health, parenting and education stories along with the occasional humor piece.

Amanda Hinds


Amanda Hinds is an experienced parenting journalist based in the United States. As a writer for Mothering, a online resource for parents, Amanda's work focuses on providing valuable insights and advice on various aspects of parenting. Her articles cover a range of topics, from pregnancy and childbirth to child development and education, making her a versatile and knowledgeable resource for those seeking press coverage in the parenting category.

Amy Ahearn

Parenting Central

Amy Ahearn is an experienced parenting journalist based in Australia. She has been working for Parenting Central, a leading online resource for parents and caregivers, where she provides insightful and informative articles on various aspects of parenting. With her extensive knowledge and understanding of the challenges and joys of raising children, Amy has become a trusted voice for parents seeking guidance and support in their journey.

Amy Davies

Junior Magazine

Amy Davies is a UK-based parenting journalist who has made a name for herself in the industry through her insightful and informative articles. As a writer for Junior Magazine, she has become an invaluable resource for parents and those interested in the latest developments and trends in the world of parenting. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the challenges and joys of raising children, Amy has established herself as one of the go-to parenting journalists in the UK.

Amy Malpass Hahn

The Grace Tales

Amy Malpass Hahn is an accomplished Australian-based writer who specializes in the realm of parenting journalism. With a keen eye for the latest trends and insights, she has established herself as a go-to resource for parents seeking advice, tips, and inspiration. As a regular contributor to The Grace Tales, a popular online platform that celebrates motherhood and offers a wealth of resources for modern parents, Amy's work is widely recognized and appreciated by a global audience.

Andrea Au Levitt

Reader's Digest

A veteran editor and project manager who creates informative and shareable content to attract consumers across multiple platforms and subjects (including health, parenting, business, and lifestyle). Experienced in content strategy and development; workflow and process implementation; schedule and relationship management; marketing, brand building, fundraising, and event planning.

Andrea Howick

Parents Canada

Andrea Howick is a parenting journalist based in Canada who specializes in providing valuable insights and advice for parents and families. As an experienced writer, Andrea is known for her work with Parents Canada, a popular online platform that offers a wealth of information and resources for Canadian parents. With a keen interest in various aspects of parenting, Andrea's articles cover a wide range of topics, including child development, health and wellness, education, and family dynamics.

Andrea Zimmerman


Andrea Zimmerman is a parenting journalist based in the United States. She is currently a writer for Babble, a popular online platform that provides resources, support, and community for parents. Babble covers a wide range of topics related to parenting, including pregnancy, baby care, toddler development, and family life. Zimmerman's work on the site showcases her deep understanding of the challenges and joys of parenthood, as well as her ability to connect with readers through her engaging writing style.

Ann Douglas

The Parenting Playbook

Ann Douglas is a well-known Canadian parenting journalist who has made a significant impact in the field through her insightful and informative writing. She is currently associated with The Parenting Playbook, a popular online platform that focuses on providing expert advice and resources to parents. With her extensive experience and expertise, Ann has established herself as a credible voice among parenting journalists, offering valuable guidance to parents navigating the challenges of raising children in today's world.

Anne- Marie Gambelin


Anne-Marie Gambelin is a wife, mother of three, writer, and Motherly's Contributing Editor. A Silicon Valley native, she is passionate about parenting and looks for opportunities in tech to enhance the journey of motherhood and to illuminate the beauty, good and truth in all things Motherly.

Barbara Rowley


Barbara Rowley is an experienced parenting journalist based in the United States. With a keen focus on providing valuable insights and advice to parents and caregivers, she has become a respected voice in the field of parenting journalism. As a writer for, Barbara has contributed numerous articles that cover a wide range of topics, from child development and discipline to health and nutrition, providing readers with the information they need to navigate the challenges and joys of raising children.

Belinda Jennings

The Natural Parent Magazine

Belinda Jennings is an experienced parenting journalist based in Australia. She is a regular contributor to The Natural Parent Magazine, a publication that focuses on providing practical and inspiring information for parents who are committed to natural and conscious parenting. As a writer, Belinda is passionate about exploring various aspects of parenting, including child development, health and wellness, and sustainable living.

Bron Maxabella

Mum's Grapevine

Bron Maxabella is a renowned Australian journalist with a strong focus on parenting topics. As a writer for Mum's Grapevine, an online platform that provides advice and support to parents, Bron shares her expertise and insights on various aspects of parenting. With a keen interest in child development, education, and family life, her articles offer valuable guidance and inspiration to parents navigating the challenges of raising children in today's world.

Caitlin Gibson

The Washington Post

Feature writer @washingtonpost focused on families/parenting/kids.

Caroline Bologna

The Huffington Post

Caroline Bologna is a New York-based reporter covering culture and parenting at HuffPost. She is a New Orleans native and graduate of Brown University.

Caroline Zielinski

The Sydney Morning Herald

Caroline is a contributing writer to The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

Charlotte Cripps

The Independent

Writer and Editor @Independent .

Charlotte Ricca

Baby Magazine

Charlotte Ricca is a parenting journalist based in the United Kingdom. With a passion for writing about all aspects of parenting, she has carved a niche for herself in the industry. As a regular contributor to Baby Magazine (, Charlotte has established herself as a reliable and informative voice for parents seeking advice and guidance on various topics related to raising children.

Dana Rousmaniere

Harvard Business Review

My experience spans magazine publishing, book publishing, web publishing, and mobile and cross-platform applications. Ive had the great fortune to work for publications including 'Harvard Business Review,' 'The Atlantic Monthly,' 'Good Housekeeping,' 'Fit Pregnancy,' and others. Ive worked with sites such as WebMD, Barnes&, Lifetime Television Online, Lycos, Random House, Trip Advisor, and others. Ive also been an Instructor for mediabistro.coms online journalism courses entitled 'Writing and Editing for the Web' and 'How to Launch a Content Site,' for which I co-developed the curriculum. I'm also the author of 'North Shore Baby,' a parenting field guide to Boston's North Shore, published by Union Park Press, and co-author of 'The Complete Illustrated Birthing Companion,' published by Fair Winds Press.Specialties include: Online editing and writing; content management; online production; newsletters; direct marketing; moderating online communities; and transitioning magazine and television content to online sites. I have experience launching web products and sites and managing teams of designers, producers, and engineers. I'm well versed in search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and social media networking.

Danielle Campoamor


Danielle Campoamor is a parenting journalist based in the United States. She is currently a writer and editor for Romper, a popular website to providing news, entertainment, and lifestyle content for millennial parents. With a focus on topics such as motherhood, mental health, and reproductive rights, Danielle's work provides valuable insights and perspectives for readers navigating the complex world of parenting.

Deborah Pope

Adoptive Families

Deborah Pope is an experienced parenting journalist based in the United States. With a focus on adoption and its various aspects, she has been contributing insightful articles and resources to Adoptive Families, a leading online platform that provides support and guidance to adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. As a writer who deeply understands the nuances of adoption and parenting, Deborah has become a trusted voice in the field, making her one of the sought-after parenting journalists in the industry.

Diane Debrovner

Parents Magazine

Diane Debrovner is a parenting journalist based in the United States who is currently working for Parents Magazine. With a keen interest in covering various aspects of parenting, Diane's work primarily focuses on providing valuable insights, advice, and guidance to parents navigating the challenges of raising children. Her expertise in the field has made her a go-to source for readers seeking informative and engaging content on parenting.

Diane J. Cho


Diane J. Cho is the features editor at PEOPLE and a part-time graduate student at Columbia Journalism School. She was born and raised in New Jersey and recieved her BA in Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. Her work has appeared in PEOPLE, InStyle, Entertainment Weekly, TIME, VH1, and Complex. She currently lives in Downtown Brooklyn.

Elena Donovan Mauer

The Bump

Elena Donovan Mauer is a and experienced parenting journalist based in the United States. As a writer and editor, she primarily focuses on topics related to parenting, pregnancy, and family life. Elena's work can be found on The Bump, a popular and informative website that offers resources and advice to expectant and new parents. With her insightful articles and engaging writing style, she has become a trusted voice for parents seeking guidance and support.

Elisa Murray


Elisa Murray is a renowned parenting journalist based in the United States who currently writes for ParentMap, a leading online resource for parents and families. With a focus on providing valuable insights and advice on a wide range of parenting topics, Murray has established herself as a trusted voice in the world of parenting journalism. Her writing interests encompass various aspects of child development, education, health, and family life, making her a versatile and knowledgeable resource for parents seeking guidance and support.

Elizabeth Shugg

Carolina Parent

I have 23 years of experience in media and currently work as editor of Carolina Parent magazine and

Ellen Breslau

Family Circle

Ellen Breslau is an accomplished parenting journalist based in the United States, with a strong focus on providing valuable insights and advice for families. As a seasoned writer and editor, she has contributed to various publications, including her current role at Family Circle ( With a keen interest in exploring diverse topics related to parenting, Ellen's work has helped countless families navigate the challenges and joys of raising children in today's world.

Emily Franklin

Brain, Child Magazine

Emily Franklin is a and experienced parenting journalist based in the United States. She is a regular contributor to Brain, Child Magazine, a renowned publication that focuses on topics related to motherhood, family life, and raising children. With a keen understanding of the challenges and joys of parenting, Emily's writing offers valuable insights and advice to parents seeking guidance in today's fast-paced world.

Emily Hochberg

Business Insider

Experienced lifestyle editor with expertise writing and editing content about travel, culture, entertainment and style.

Emma Gleadhill

The Parent Practice

Emma Gleadhill is a UK-based parenting journalist who has made a name for herself in the field of family and child development. With a keen interest in understanding the unique challenges faced by parents, her writing focuses on providing practical advice and insights to help families navigate the complexities of raising children in today's world. As a contributor to The Parent Practice, Emma's work has reached a wide audience, making her one of the go-to parenting journalists for those seeking guidance and support.

Best Practices for Contacting Parenting journalists

Parenting journalists cover deeply personal and impactful stories. From our vast experience with press releases in this sector, we guide you on the best practices for making meaningful connections. Understand the strategic times to reach out, the keys to drafting heartfelt and relevant press releases, and how to approach journalists with the sensitivity and respect that parenting topics deserve.

When and how to contact Parenting journalists

Contacting parenting journalists requires a thoughtful approach, considering the sensitive and personal nature of parenting topics. Leveraging PressContact’s media list, which includes detailed profiles and contact information, can greatly improve your outreach efforts. Here’s how:

  • Expert Advice: Offer expert advice or tips on parenting-related topics, positioning your brand as a trusted source of information.
  • Product Reviews: Provide opportunities for parenting journalists to review your products or services, highlighting their benefits for families.
  • Parenting Trends: Share insights into current parenting trends and how your brand aligns with these trends.
  • Family-Friendly Events: Invite parenting journalists to family-friendly events or experiences that showcase your brand in a positive light.
  • Real-Life Stories: Share real-life stories or case studies that demonstrate the positive impact of your products or services on families.
  • Parenting Challenges: Address common parenting challenges and provide solutions or support through your products or services.

Using our comprehensive and affordable media list ensures that your parenting-related news reaches the right journalists at the right time, maximizing your chances of coverage.

Writing press releases for Parenting coverage

Writing press releases for parenting topics requires a compassionate and informative approach. Here’s how to craft compelling parenting press releases:

  • Empathetic Tone: Use an empathetic tone that resonates with parents, acknowledging the challenges and joys of parenting.
  • Practical Tips: Provide practical tips or advice that parents can easily implement in their daily lives.
  • Expert Insights: Include insights from parenting experts or professionals to add credibility and depth to your press release.
  • Family-Centric Content: Focus on content that is relevant and valuable to families, such as child development, education, health, and wellness.
  • Community Impact: Highlight how your brand supports families and the community, fostering a sense of trust and goodwill.
  • Positive Messaging: Keep your messaging positive and uplifting, offering solutions and support to parents facing challenges.

These elements will help your parenting press release stand out and resonate with parenting journalists looking for informative and supportive content.

Pitching Etiquette to Parenting journalists

Pitching to parenting journalists requires a sensitive and understanding approach, recognizing the importance of their topics to families. Here are some tips from my experience:

  • Understanding Their Audience: Tailor your pitches to reflect the interests and needs of parents, offering solutions or insights that are relevant to their lives.
  • Provide Helpful Resources: Offer resources or tools that parents can use to navigate common parenting challenges or improve their family life.
  • Story Ideas: Pitch story ideas that are timely, relevant, and impactful, addressing current trends or issues in parenting.
  • Expert Interviews: Offer interviews with parenting experts or professionals who can provide valuable insights and advice.
  • Respect Their Time: Keep your pitches concise and to the point, respecting the busy schedules of parenting journalists.
  • Follow Up Thoughtfully: Follow up on your pitches with additional information or resources, but do so thoughtfully and without being intrusive.

Following these tips will help you build strong relationships with parenting journalists and increase the likelihood of your pitches being successful.Pitching to parenting journalists requires a sensitive and understanding approach, recognizing the importance of their topics to families. Here are some tips from my experience:

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